Nannies do not have coworkers, so having a positive, professional community is a must. Find a few (or a lot) of like-minded peers who get what you do and why you do it! Our local nannies encourage and strengthen each other both personally and professionally. Diverse in age, background and experience, we are definitely better together. It’s the reason CincyNanny began in 2009.

Large Group Play Dates
Small Organic Meet-ups
pumpkin patch • zoo • story time • park • picnic • farm tour • play cafe • nature center • museum • scavenger hunt

Nanny Night Out
dinner • movies• bowling • coffee
Annual Celebration for
National Nanny Recognition Week

Share Crafts, Ideas & Encouragement
Find Friends + Set-up Play Dates
Ask Questions + Get Feedback

It is important in any career to stay in a posture of learning. The best nannies stay up-to-date in their safety certifcations and are looking to grow in their knowledge and skills, while also adding to their resume. CincyNanny hosts quarterly trainings each year to support development in both child care knowledge and the nanny profession. Follow us on social media and join our email list so you don’t miss an opportunity.

CPR, First Aid + AED
Car Seat Safety
Emergency Precautions

Ages + Stages
Postitive Discipline
Infant Care

Your Mission
Resume + Portfolios
Legal Pay
Work Agreements
Join the Community
We would love to get you connected in the private facebook group and added to our email list so you don’t miss an event or training!
When I was working as a nanny for triplet boys, I missed co-workers. I started CincyNanny in 2009 to gather professional nannies for community – to simply share play dates, friendship, and resources.
Over the years, I found that nannies and families were seeking more direction and information to start set a solid foundation for the working relationship. And, I had that information to share.
I love to educate, coach and empower nannies through the process. We require families to do it right, with things like a written work agreement and legal pay. Success looks to me looks like long-term happiness for all!
Always a nanny at heart,