1. Tell us about your current position/role?
I’m in my ninth year (with the same family) as a nanny/house manager in Indian Hill. I care for 2 boys: 8 and 11 years old. I also bring y 4 year old daughter most days. While the children are at school, I tend to household duties like grocery shopping, the children’s laundry, errand running, coordinating schedules and occasional cooking. Once the kids get off the bus I’m making snacks, helping with homework and manning carpool duties.
Every day is different. Honestly, I’m never bored. There is always plenty to do and it is always appreciated by someone. Kids are refreshing and I enjoy seeing the world through their eyes. I especially love watching them navigate the world each day with the tools I’m teaching them. And my favorite reason: love. I get to give and receive love every single day as part of my job. It’s pretty amazing!
I’ve worked with days old babies, I’ve helped teach a teen to drive and everything in between. They all simultaneously fulfill me and terrify me. If I had had to pick I think toddler through preschool is my favorite age. I love watching their little personalities blossom and they learn so many new things almost daily. This is also a phase of hilarious mispronunciations and cute little questions and realizations.

I really struggled with this one… but I have to say “A League of Their Own” is my all time favorite. My sisters and I used to watch it as kids. As an adult, I now realize how important it is to know that girls can do all the things boys can do. Even baseball.
This is so easy! I’d get a massage. I’m best at taking care of others when I’ve taken the best care of myself first. As they say: you can’t pour from an empty cup.