I’m currently with an awesome family in northern Kentucky. I have an almost two year old boy, C; and a 5 month old girl, A. I work 8:30-5:30 M-F.
2. How/Why did you decide to become a Nanny?
Growing up in a large family, I was always around younger kids. I loved watching them learn and try new things, and spending time with them. I never really considered being a nanny until a friend of mine started working with a family who had three boys and an infant girl. The parents were busy, and didn’t think one nanny was working out in fairness to the kids and had asked if she knew anyone. She had been suggesting I try it for a while and I figured I would have fun no matter what, so I gave it a go. I ended up with this family for almost two years. After that, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

3. Why are you passionate about working with children?
I grew up in an education minded house. I was never pushed to do anything, but if I wanted to learn something or had a question, we were always off to the library. When I was 12 I wasn’t sure about religions and my dad spent a weekend with me visiting various places of worship so I could talk with the leaders of each place. I think this enstilled in me that it is ok to ask questions and learn new things no matter what you do. This is something I always try to bring with me. I want to find the education in anything and everything and make sure kids know it is ok to ask questions and look for the answers.
4. What is a misconception in your peers and family about the nanny profession?
The most common misconception for me is that my job is “easy” and I just play with kids all day. Nannies have complicated jobs and nothing is ever the same. We do play, but we are also friends, teachers, and even big sisters/brothers to kids.
5. In what areas do you currently feel challenged?
My biggest challenge currently is adjusting schedules now that C has started preschool. He loves it, but the changes in lunch time, naps, etc. have been a challenge. Not only with C, but with A as well.
6. What about CincyNanny has been a benefit to you?
I love everything about Cincy Nanny! I love that there is a community for advice when needed, playdates, and understanding from your peers. That is the most important thing.
7. What is something in your life, that is affecting your life in a positive way, and therefore affecting the children in your care?
There have been a lot of changes, especially more recently, in my life. I’m finally getting to do more things for me, and I can tell that relaxation is being passed on to the children.
8. What is a goal for the future?
I would love to nanny as long as I can. More immediately, I am going to focus more on potty training C. He’s been showing an interest, and I want to use that for good while I have the opportunity.
9. How do you refresh/re-coop/prepare from and for your nanny position?
I’ve recently gotten into cycling and I’ve been spending more time with my family. I’m trying to spend more time in the kitchen as well.
10. What changes would you like to see changed or questions to be answered in the nanny Industry?
I wish there was a more standard pay scale, and more observation from the government. Nothing has happened to me personally, but the fact there are more rules for Au Pair’s than domestic nannies makes me sad. A little regulation would be great for all parties involved.