Quick Tip: Nanny’s Dream Blanket

I am so excited to share my most favorite find for summer!!

One of my Nanny friends here in Cincy showed up to a picnic with this and I said “I MUST HAVE THAT”. Practical, functional, washable, and colorful! In the few short months we have had it, we have gotten our money’s worth. We use this for picnics at the park and school. We also use it in our yard to play games, rest have a snack. It is so easy to fold and zip into a bag and the boys love to carry it on their shoulders. It is waterproof, great for wet grass days. It has an outside pocket and can be thrown in the washer to clean! I could go on and on!! Don’t you love it?

I found mine at Bed, Bath,and Beyond for $20, see online here. (Don’t forget to use your 20% coupon that comes in the mail or newspaper.)