Welcome to our new series of posts, entitled “Workshop Wednesday”! Each month we will take a topic and dive a little deeper into the subject. I’ll be sharing info. that I have learned through research, study and attending local and national events. Hope that you enjoy!

April Series Overview: The Five Love Languages of Children
This workshop comes from the book, Five Love Languages of Children by Dr. Gary Chapman. Thanks to Anderson Hills for sharing the information in a workshop format. This is based on a biblical idea that God loves his people in five ways, and therefore we give and receive love in these ways too.

The Five Love Languages of Children, Part 1 – Defining the 5 Love Languages…
1. Words of Affirmation
Words are powerful in word and the tone they were said. A person who has the language of Words of Affirmation needs to hear words of praise and encouragement.
2. Acts of Service
One expresses love by serving them. This language is for people that don’t want to be told they are loved, but shown. Little acts of kindness are how they know that they are loved.
3. Touch
Physical, loving touch – like a hug, high five, holding hands, hand on the shoulder, pat on the back, kiss – is how they would feel love. These people would rather be touched or held than anything else.
4. Gifts
Express love by giving gifts. They feel most loved when someone has remembered them in a tangible way, and thought enough about them to give them something. This can be anything – flowers, cookies, crafts, all are treasured by one with this love language.
5. Quality Time
Expresses love by spending time together and time in quality conversation with undivided attention – often times with great eye contact while talking.
Visit the Five Love Languages website, here.
Check in next week, Part #2 – How to Spot a Child’s Love Language.