I have picked up the book, again, Happiest Toddler on the Block, by Dr. Harvey Karp. So many nuggets of opportunities in these pages. One thought that Dr. Karp shares is that “your child can live quite happily without the things she craves, but what she can’t be happy without is your love and respect.” He also shares that “Respect is a power as nurturing as love.” The information used in this post can be found in Chapter 9: “Respect and Rewards” of the above-mentioned book.

High5: Ways to Respect Your Toddler

5. With Your Eyes
“Smile, nod, make eye contact, then look down for a few seconds” before looking back. Make a connection of understanding.

4. With Your Body
“Sit kneel, or lean so that your face is slightly below your child’s level. Lean forward, in the direction of your little one.” Body language is a large part of communication!

3. With Your Ears
“Listen with interest, and without interrupting.” This seems like a basic conversation rule, but how often do we feel that we have the more important words to share.

2. With Your Words
“Respond promptly. Repeat back. Ask permission to give advice (Do this even with your young toddler).”

1. With Your Tone
Though a toddler may not understand all of your words, or be calm enough to be listening, he or she will understand your respectful tone.

If you are a Nanny for young children, this book is a must read!