International Nanny Association presents a Professional Nanny Conference each year! I have dropped hints the last couple of weeks about the fact that I am going and I think that you ALL should join me. This week’s High5 is all the information that I have so far. I hope that is spurs you to seriously think about setting aside your resources to participate.

High5 – The W’s of INA’s 2010 Conference

5. Who?
This conference is designed for the Professional Nanny and Industry Professionals looking to grow professionally and personally.

4. What?
4-day conference held in different cities each year. This year is the 25th annual! What a perfect time to go for the first time and celebrate!

3. When?
May 20-23, 2010. Only 132 days away!

2. Where?
San Francisco, California! Our hotel is at Fisherman’s Wharf – filled with amazing restaurants, attractions, shopping and views! There is so much this city offers: the Golden Gate Bridge, Ferry to Alcatrez Island, Sea Lions at Pier 39 , Local City Tours including Sonoma and Napa Valley Wine Tours, Muir Woods/Giant Redwood tours, Out hotel is Hotel: Hyatt at the Fisherman’s Wharf Room rate $115, share a room with one and the cost is only: $57.50, with three it’s reduced to: $28.75/night. This is such a neat area! Do some googling! What a neat place to get away.

1. Why?
This is a great opportunity to focus on yourself as a professional. Workshops will provide you with resources and answers to your questions from veterans and educators. You will meet others that desire to do the same and have been there before you. The sense of community is amazing. You and the family in your care WILL benefit. I have no doubt.

Also, read INA’s Reasons to Attend and 2009 Conference Wrap Up

INA will be posting information soon at

So I have left out the “How” but that is for you to decide. My employer has seen how much of a benefit this conference was for me last year and plans on helping me again. I am searching for flight deals and planning early. Some of my Nanny friends have other strategies like setting up online savings accounts/budgeting click here to read all about it! Where there is a will there is a way. So make a decision to make it happen, then find the “How”!

Expected Costs:
Conference – I believe this was last year’s price $295
Flight/Travel – A quick search shows current prices from $238 out of Cincinnati
Hotel – $115/night per room and even cheaper if you share a room.
Food – some meals/snacks are included, some are not.

Please get in touch with me if you are at all thinking of going. We can cut costs by sharing travel expenses as a group. We could meet for coffee as a group and discuss how we can make conference a reality!