What can I say but…this is the start to a beautiful future!!
Saturday night, 12 amazing Nannies came together at Redtree Gallery in Oakley on honor of National Nanny Recognition Week !
Coming into the Night, there were 4 goals…
1. Connect, chat and get to know each other as professionals in the Nanny Industry.
2. To honor our local nannies and recognize each other for the important role that we play in the lives of children.
3. To receive and share resources about our industry.
4. To decide what will be the main focuses and goals of the group in the future
We shared a lovely dinner! Everyone chatted away getting to know each other, connecting immediately. I shared a little about me and how CincyNanny came about. I also spotlighted some of my personal hopes for the group, opening up for ideas. After I shared everyone filled out a 2 page survey in response to those ideas…which will be used to focus on the things OUR city wants instead of what we may have copied from another city. Each community should have it’s own personality and CincyNanny is finding out who we are.

Once we got the “business” taken care of, we got to know each of the Nannies a little better. We had Giveaways based on “Who drive the most miles to work”, “Who has been Nannying the longest”, and etc. Giveaways were donated from local employers, INA and NANC. Thanks again to all the sponsors and to Wendy at Redtree Gallery.
Nannies also filled out cards with a little more about themselves – how long they have nannied, where in the city they work, the ages of the kids etc. Also on the card “Two Truths and a Lie”. Each Nanny took a turn in the hot seat [which conveniently was red!]. The group tried to guess if this Nanny REALLY wanted 16 kids, or if that Nanny previously worked for a celebrity. After the silly game we learned one thing that each Nanny had accomplished this year or a goal they have for the year coming up. Finally the Nanny was given a red rose in front of her peers and applauded for the role she has played in the lives of children. Each Nanny had her moment to be recognized and honored.

At the close of the evening, Nannies were exchanging contact information, planning play dates, CPR classes, and expressing their hope to connect again really soon. Some of us continued the night at a local restaurant with drinks and desserts.
All around the night was a huge success! Over 50 Nannies contacted for this event, many who hope to be involved in future events. The future is good. If you haven’t already join us. We would love to meet you!