CincyNanny leads out of the following Core Values. We seek to work with clients, nanny candidates, employees and volunteers who are in agreement.  



We strive for excellence and doing the right thing in alignment with high standards of the industry and the law. This is expressed in areas such as background screening, requirement of legal pay, agreements and expectations of nannies & clients. Excellence is not perfection; we admit when we make mistakes, find the lesson in each and innovate change. 



We are committed to good, thorough work with and families and nannies. We are trusted because we work hard, work efficiently, provide open communication and follow-through. We respect the privacy of all we engage. As the expert, we provide individualized coaching through the process and ongoing support.



We value continued learning and growth in both skill and knowledge. We look to improve our services and systems and exercise creativity in marketing and methods to offer our best to the industry. We seek to provide creative solutions on all fronts.



We are positive, respectful team players; together we are more creative, intelligent and powerful. We look to see the local and national nanny community unified, strengthened and supported while raising up and empowering women to be leaders in the nanny industry.



We know that our voice is unique, our passion is fuel and our influence is important. We believe we are called to bring change to our city and beyond – empowering women, strengthening families, and enriching the lives of children.

APNA Standards of Practice

The Association of Premier Nanny Agencies, established in 1993, promotes best business practices in all areas of the nanny placement and household staffing industries. Our member placement agencies adhere to APNA’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Ethical Practices.

Only the most professional Nanny Placement Agencies in the country belong to the Association of Premier Nanny Agencies. The only business entities that have permission to display the APNA logo have completed an in-depth application and investigation process and been approved for membership by the Board of Directors.

As a proud member of the International Nanny Association, we uphold their standards of professionalism!

Recommended Practices for Agencies

Recommended Practices for Nannies

Recommended Practices for Background Screening


The idea of fair and legal pay isn’t new, but recent years have seen household employees raising their collective voice to demand the same rights afforded workers in other industries across the US. This has resulted in increased awareness of the need for a living wage, overtime pay, and paid sick leave. While states and cities are starting to pass Domestic Workers’ Bills of Rights, the fight for Fair Pay isn’t over. Further, many misunderstand what Legal Pay really means and the benefits it provides.

A coalition of domestic worker advocates, comprised of industry non-profit organizations, for profit companies, and individuals, has come together to increase awareness surrounding fair and legal pay for household employees. This coalition aims to educate the public, and spark change that results in workers getting the benefits they deserve, the benefits to which they are entitled by law, and the benefits afforded to other workers in the US. The coalition believes that it is far past time for household employees to be recognized for the essential contributions they provide to millions of households nationwide and to be recognized and treated as professionals. Learn more and pledge support here. 

Family Clients, we promise to:

  • Have open + responsive communication
  • Provide confidentiality, including your personal information as well as nanny employment
  • Provide a written client agreement, complete with fees, policies, & obligations of both parties
  • Coach & educate you through the process
  • Conduct in-person interview + assessments, when at all possible
  • Personally check candidate’s employment + personal references
  • Accurately share candidate’s qualifications + experience
  • Not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, weight, religion, political, parental and marital status.
  • Work toward mutually beneficial employment arrangements
  • Require a written work agreement between family + nanny
  • Conduct background screening to ensure the safety of your children
  • Confirm status of driver’s license
  • Resolve disputes fairly and accurately
  • Provide industry resources and connections to experts

Nanny Applicants, we promise to:

  • Have open + responsive communication
  • Coach & educate you through the process
  • Advocate for your employment priorities & values
  • Treat you as an equal part of the process with mutually beneficial employment arrangements
  • Never charge you a fee for working with us
  • Not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, weight, religion, political, parental and marital status.
  • Conduct in-person interviews + assessments, when at all possible
  • List all jobs publicly on the Jobs Board
  • Require legal, fair pay including overtime
  • Encourage professional benefits such as: guarantee pay, PTO & paid holidays, mileage reimbursement, healthcare stipend, etc.
  • Require a written work agreement between family + nanny