Top Ten Ways to Lose your Nanny

  1. Arrive home late frequently and don’t compensate your nanny for the extra time.

  2. Add more household duties AFTER the nanny is hired.

  3. Have inconsistent hours of work and don’t inform the nanny prior to hiring her.

  4. Expect the nanny to be an evening babysitter without asking.

  5. Furnish the nanny’s room with castoffs from the Men’s Hostel.

  6. Don’t talk to your nanny about your expectations – treat her like an outsider.

  7. Don’t encourage your nanny to take upgrading classes – keep her too tired to improve her mind.

  8. Demand that your nanny stay home with your children and not mingle or have outside interests.

  9. Overrule your nanny regarding decisions she has made with your children and do it in front of your children.

  10. Give her no hope of getting a raise and treat her with no respect for the valuable job she is doing.