Driving down the highway the other day, I look over to see a sight that makes my heart pound out of my chest. Oh, it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. But that doesn’t take away the horror…. a toddler on a lap. Just thinking about it riles me up again.
I want to scream at them and sometimes I do (with my windows up). AH!! This graphic picture stays in my mind for days like “The Grudge” when I saw it at the super saver theatre.
Seriously, there ought to be a website that you could write a complaint – enter a license plate number, make and model, etc – where car seat spies would stalk these “parents” and catch them in their murderous behavior. What a job that would be. I’d sign up. Pure adrenaline alone would make me a scary woman.
Hopefully we all think it’s crazy to let our kidlets ride without a car seat, but how about all those wrongly installed seats and loose straps? Until a year ago, I never went to a formal training, myself. Most of us have just have never been taught. I want to encourage you to take responsibility as a caregiver. According to about.com, “It is estimated that about 80% of car seats are misused, either because a child is in the wrong seat, the seat is installed wrong, or the child in not placed in the seat correctly”. I was very surprised when I visited my local fire station for my 30-minute physical instruction, that the seats and straps installed correctly were a lot tighter and constricting than I deemed appropriate. Since that day, I have seen some car seats being misused and have tried to share my new knowledge is a respectful, humble way. Totally worth it. I know that I am no expert on the subject, but I am now a friendly advocate.
Do you know all you should about Car Seat Safety? Click on the links. Educate yourself. Educate Others. You may save a life!
Great website for all things safety: Safe Kids USA
Great blog dedicated to the cause: CarSeatBlog
Frequently Asked Questions, Answered.
Better yet, take that next step and learn how to install a car seat properly! Find the nearest inspection station in your area.
That makes me crazy too. My other one is when kids ride in the front seat. Little kids.
One of our own is a certified Car Seat Installer, trained by none other than the “Car Seat Lady” She has a blog http://www.carseatnanny.blogspot.com
On the way home from church last night, I saw a 2 year old in the front seat last night. No seat belt. Car actually sped past me and cut me off. OHHHH! I wish I had the website to enter that Ford Explorer!!
Thanks for that link!