By: Greta Schraer
Welcome back. I know, it is hard to stay focused on your studies in the summer… So this week, let’s talk about life on the “playground”. Nannies need a good social atmosphere too, right? A community shares a common locality or culture. We as nannies live in a familiar world that can unite us in a short instant. I am amazed with the community I have that stretches across the world; most relationships sparked with just a basic commonality. So let’s have a brief lesson, then you can get back to your summer fun!
Lesson 1: Community Can Encourage You

Let me first recognize that community can be both positive and negative, encouraging and discouraging, simply put… good community and bad. Community CAN encourage you, if you surround yourselves with the right community…

To read the rest of this article head over to: REGARDING NANNIES: Nanny 101: Living in Nanny Community.